Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My New Year Wish List

I don’t believe in making new year resolutions, as I always feel you don’t have to wait till the end of the year to make a resolution or make resolutions only once a year. I make resolutions whenever there is a need. So, throughout the year, I make several resolutions. It is like running a company, whenever there is an urgent need, you call for an Extraordinary General Meeting and make resolutions...

However, I do have a wish list for the coming year. Here it is:

1. More concerted efforts among various ministries to promote biotechnology and see that we achieve what is outlined in our National Biotechnology Policy. This includes Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation; Ministry of Agriculture and Agrobased Industry; Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Education; Ministry of Higher Education; Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Entrepreneur and Co-operative Development; Ministry of Energy, Water and Communication; Ministry of Information, etc.

2. Establishment of a balanced, science-based and industry-friendly Act and regulations on various aspects of biotechnology – IP, new plant variety, GLP, GCP, biosafety, etc.

3. More communication between scientists and the public on the development of science and technology.

4. More science news on newspapers and national TV channels.

5. Funds and grants for research, development and commercialization to be channelled in a more productive and efficient manner.

6. More funds for R&D – but for truly deserving projects with the interest of the nation

7. More collaboration between research institutes, universities and the industry and reduction of duplications in research.

8. Serious efforts in reducing brain drain – providing scholarships to deserving students, creating conducive working environment for scientists, providing excellent career advancement for deserving scientists.

9. Serious efforts in developing human capital in various biotechnology fields, upgrading the quality of local universities in terms of teaching and research.


10. Shedding off counter-productive sentiments – anti-globalization, anti-MNCs, and beliefs based on emotions and not science and facts.


By Mahaletchumy Arujanan

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